Module 1 - Resemblance
Does the life you are living resemble who you really are?
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.
This online course teaches you about the role imagination plays in your daily life, the nature of energy, and how you, by using your power of imagination create a certain frequency and vibration of energy which in turn forms your life and who you are. You will also learn about the relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind, and how to transform your energy on the subconscious level. When you follow the exercises in this online course you will understand more of what you really want, who you are and where you want to be in life.
Module 2 - Resistance
How to uncover what is holding you back
…. and then it happens … You start doubting yourself and feel uneasy and overwhelmed. You question if you can really do this, and you feed your wonderful and creative idea with all sorts of negative energy. In the end, your dream becomes just another distant memory.
Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.
-Steven Pressfield
The many exercises in this online course about goals and dreams are tailored to help remove the concepts, resistances and fears you might have, even unconsciously, that stop you from reaching and manifesting your goal. These exercises include NLP's The Keys to an Achievable Outcome, the SMART module, understanding the difference between a state and a goal. We also teach you a system of how to set goals that work and how to use affirmations as a tool for change.
Module 3 - Empowerment
The basics of NLP, plus 5 popular NLP modules for empowerment.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
NLP is the study of how our minds work, how we interact with it and how it results in certain behaviour. NLP provides empowering beliefs that will change the way you experience and interact with the world around you, and NLP’s simple model of communication will enable you to always get your message across. The many and clear exercises will help you in how you experience and interact with the world around you. You will have concrete tools to empower your life.